
Alex Maina
1 min readDec 10, 2019

Am still a newbie with flutter. I have developed a few application using the flutter framework and firebase for the backend. The schema and structure of flutter is simple to learn and easy to understand. You can start building beautiful application very fast.

However thing get a little big complicated when you start working with custom widget and layout because they start relying in dart language with is close to java.

If you have interacted with java before, am sure you know how the language becomes hectic.

But flutter dart is sweet since you can develop an app that can run in both Android and IOS device using one code. Also dart supports web development but currently it is not very stable. But Google are working very hard to ensure that developer can use dart to develop application that can run in all system to simply the world of development.

What makes me love flutter the most is it’s capabilities to develop beautiful application.

Views in flutter are called widgets. views are simply items that the user sees and is able to interact with e.g. buttons, textfields, text, icons, layouts and excletra. In widget as in kotlin, swift and java they can be given different styling. But flutter it is easier to add more styling to widgets.

